Blueberry Cove Bed & Breakfast and Quilting Studio
118 Newport Wharf Road
RR#1 Cardigan, PEI, C0A 1G0
Phone Number: (902) 583-2549
Toll Free: 1-888-583-2549

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Blueberry Cove Blog

Feb 13-17, 2017. Snow Week in PEI

Blueberry Cove is having a Snow Week.  The animals are enjoying outside time in the sunshine today.


Clay walking the trail


Horses playing in the snow



Hobo heading back to the house

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Jan 2017 come and almost gone!

Time has been flying by,  one of my New Years resolutions was I would be more hands on with the blog but for some reason I am not  🙁

Reservations for summer time has started coming in and personal quilting plans have been put on hold, to work on a few guild projects and before you know it I will be in panic mode to get quilts done and the B&B ready to open.  One personal project I did do in between Christmas and New Years was to complete this child’s Quilt for the Canadian Quilters Association Big Quilt Bee.  If you haven’t heard about this project please go to their website and check it out.  #bigquiltbee   www.canadianquilter

Quilts for Ronald MacDonald House






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MMQG & Libs Elliott

A few treats I picked up for my self

A few treats I picked up for my self

Saturday Nov 12, I spent time with the Maritime Modern Quilt Guild in Halifax. They had Libs Elliott ( from TO and an Andover fabric designer),  come and instruct on how to make her Weight of Love Quilt. The day was fast and very productive. Libs also gave us a quick demo of how she designs her Hexie quilts. It was an awesome day, with a group of awesome ladies. Below is a few pics, stay tuned for my version of Lib’s Quilt.

Weight of Love Workshop

Weight of Love Workshop

MMQG & Libs Elliott Weight of Love Workshop

MMQG & Libs Elliott
Weight of Love Workshop

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